Hi, my name is Kenneth Lee but I'm more fondly known as 'Ken'. I've been a Box Hill High student for the past five years and am currently completing my VCE. As a senior student in FET, I take on the roles of Systems and Network Administrator and Robotics Program Assistant. Although I take an overwhelming interest in engineering, I'm proactive all around the school as a current school prefect as well as participating in other extra-curricular activities such as school drama productions. In my own time, I enjoy photography, the company of mates, long conversations about computers, and a spot of sport.

Hopefully I'll find some time to fix this site up with a jazzy theme and proper .htaccess

This site was written in Notepad++ v5.6.8

Below are some links to sites I've worked on and are currently working on

Box Hill High School - Faculty of Engineering Technology

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